About Us
We are an architectural team. Small but functional. You test our functionality by ordering projects for your new houses and flats and cafes and offices and interiors or furniture designs. We have our own manuscript, and that means more to us than current fashion waves and trends. We can design, build and arrange the project so that you have the least worries. We just enjoy this job.
... we listen we observe we think we dream we admire we discuss we sketch we confront we adjust we draw we defend we respect we laugh we project we look forward we build we coordinate we calm down we arrange we make new friendships and we don't move ...

MgA. Vladan Běhal
architektura, design, organizace
777 590 005

Ing. arch. Barbora Hrubeš Báčová
architektura, organizace

Ing. Petr Štěpánek
projekce, dokumentace
734 537 470

Write to us, give us a call or stop for a coffee.